(Serves 2)
- Whole Wheat Pasta* – 3/4 cup
- Mushrooms – 5-6 small sized ones or 2-3 large sized ones
- Full Sized Carrot – 1
- Tomatoes – 5
- Olives – 7 whole olives
- Broccoli – 10 cut broccoli heads
- Spinach Leaves – 20
- Spice – to taste
- Pepper – to taste
* Instead of whole wheat pasta, you can also use brown rice pasta. Very healthy!
- In a sauce pan add some water and the pasta to boil (Make sure the water in the pan is 3 times the amount of pasta). You can add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to make the pasta flavored. Once it comes to a boil, lower the heat so the water doesn’t overflow and let it simmer for 7-10 minutes. Whole wheat pasta takes longer to soften. Keep checking from time to time to see if it is soft enough. When it is ready, strain in a large sieve and set aside.
- While the pasta is boiling, place a separate pan on the stove. This time make sure it is a thick bottomed pan. Let it heat up for 30 seconds on high and then add your cut broccoli and carrots. Switch the heat setting to medium-low and toss the vegetables in the pan for 2 minutes. Make sure they don’t start to burn. Since you are using a thick bottomed pan and the heat is set to low-medium, they shouldn’t burn. Stir continuously the entire time.
- Then to the pan with the vegetables, add the tomatoes either very thinly cut or in pure form after blending in a processor. A pure form is the better option here. Add salt and pepper as you desire and cook on low for 5 minutes. Stir continuously.
- Then add the olives, spinach leaves and mushrooms and cook on medium for 3-5 minutes. Stir continuously.
- Give it a taste test and add more pepper if required. You can also add Italian seasoning mix or freshly cut parsley and coriander.
- Add the strained pasta to the tomato and vegetable mixture and mix well.
Serve hot and enjoy! Vegan no-oil pasta is still a new thing and not very common. So if you have any questions, comment below and I’ll get back to you.