
Dive into a world where cardiology meets holistic wellness with Dr. Kahn’s enlightening podcast . In the first section, explore the depths of cardiac care and holistic healing through Dr. [Name]’s own podcast, Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn ,where I shares my expertise and passion for integrative medicine.

Also explore my features in podcasts of friends and colleagues, engaging in insightful discussions on heart health, well-being, and the intersection of conventional and alternative medicine. Join us on this enriching exploration of heart-centered health and holistic healing.

Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Dr. Kahn Podcast Features

Reversing Heart Disease With Precision Cardiology

In an engaging discussion between Joel Fuhrman, MD, and Joel Kahn, MD, FACC, the conversation delves into innovative approaches in cardiology, focusing on precision medicine, the importance of nutritional interventions, and advanced diagnostic techniques to reverse heart disease.


The Easy Plant Diet For Heart Disease

In an engaging conversation with Joel Kahn, MD, FACC, Ocean Robbins, CEO of the Food Revolution Network, delves into the transformative power of dietary choices on heart health, showcasing his family’s remarkable journey from ice cream empire heirs to pioneers of plant-based nutrition for reversing heart disease and enhancing overall health.


The Best Diet To Lower Blood Pressure and Reverse Heart Disease

In this episode, Joel Fuhrman, MD, and Joel Kahn, MD, FACC, go in-depth about the nutritarian diet, a concept designed to maximize lifespan and combat chronic diseases through nutrition. Dr. Fuhrman elaborates on the diet’s core principles, prioritizing high nutrient density and variety, focusing on foods rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants to fight inflammation and disease. He also details how this diet effectively addresses various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, by promoting weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and reducing blood pressure naturally.

Dr. Fuhrman further explores the nutritarian diet’s specific components, such as the emphasis on green vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds, which are fundamental in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. He also compares this approach to less optimal diets, underscoring its unique benefits in extending life expectancy. Through patient case studies and decades of clinical experience, he provides compelling evidence of the diet’s effectiveness in reversing heart disease and achieving long-term health and wellness.

Statins and the GG Pathway: What You Need To Know

In this episode, Ivor Cummins, BE(Chem), CEng, MIEI, PMP, shares his journey from an engineer to a health expert, focusing on the importance of early detection of heart disease through innovative tests and dietary interventions.

The Survival Trap: How Our Body’s Defense System Can Fuel Heart Disease

In this episode, Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, gives us a unique perspective on the “survival paradox,” a concept illustrating how our body’s innate survival mechanisms can ironically lead to chronic health issues, including heart disease. He highlights how a certain protein, while part of the body’s defense system, can exacerbate inflammation and fibrosis, contributing to heart and kidney disease progression.

Dr. Eliaz also discusses integrated medical approaches that combine traditional and alternative therapies, such as the use of modified citrus pectin and apheresis, to mitigate this protein’s harmful effects. This holistic view emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying causes of heart disease to not only manage but reverse its progression naturally.