While diets high in foods rich in fat like meats, cheeses, butter, dairy, and egg yolks are popular, they don’t come without some consequences. New research has provided further insight…
Sometimes it’s hard to know whether or not vitamins are worth your money. Some studies show they can boost your mood, improve your health, and decrease your risk for chronic…

The rise in obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, a dropping lifespan in the United States, and a hunger for an optimal healthspan free of chronic diseases should constantly prompt the…

You take your aunt to the doctor and after asking a series of questions and completing the examination, turns to you both and says “in view of the fact that…

The term “idiopathic” derives from the Greek as “one’s own suffering” is used liberally in conventional medicine to refer to disease of unknown cause. The clinical model in integrative medicine…

Any debate about the role of controlling abnormal lipid levels in patients at high risk for or with known coronary or vascular disease was resolved when exhaustive analyses on the…

How much can change in a year. It was just a year ago, on June 15, 2017, that a Presidential Advisory from the American Heart Association was published on the…

Most people have heard of the famous long term study of over 6,000 residents of Framingham, Massachusetts that began in the late 1940s and continues to this day. After President…

I recently gave a presentation to the largest nutrition support group in the USA, the Plant Based Nutrition Support Group, on the topic of how to evaluate nutrition science. I…

If you use food science to guide your diet and health, are eggs going to be on your plate? The consumer pendulum has swung widely with an average of 400…